A funny thing happened on the way to the archives.
First, Alton started tweeting me. No one was more surprised than I to see a reply from AB and lo and behold there it was last Friday along with several others in the past few days. So, that got me thinking about what else may change if I only hang in and keep up the fight? Maybe something wonderful will happen (like AB follows my Twitter account) or I may be setting myself up for a bigger fall, who knows. However, right now I have decided, while working on restructuring the overall site, I will write about a few things... if I have the time. Blogger's new interface still sucks by the way so I will be heading over to the new site for that, http://news.altonbrownfans.com.
Besides, how could I stop doing something that I love (writing about cooking?) and helping others with their Alton Brown information? Or give up seeing some of the new, exiting and belly laugh producing searches?

Many people are searching for him on Twitter, understandably. However, I have to laugh and roll my eyes at the number of folks trying to figure out why AB is deleting his tweets. "Alton Brown deleting tweets" seems to be a favorite phrase of late. Which begs the question, why is it so important that he deletes or not deletes them? Why the uproar? They are his tweets and he can do what he damn well pleases with them, bottom line. It maybe be unorthodoxed to remove tweets but when has Alton been mainstream in what he does? If he were, Good Eats would be another dump and stir cooking show.
Alright, tweet removal is one thing and kinda funny seeing folks getting their collective panties in a wad over 24 hours, 12 hours, or whatever length the tweets remain on his page. Even better, however, is the increase in searches about AB being mean, nasty, ass, and/or jerk (not the seasoning). Yeah, it seems the Twitterfied AB is rubbing some people the wrong way. But I do offer one word of advice to potential searchers: if you're going to try to find out about someone, and if you can't get their name correct, at least spell the insult right. This was by far the best term of the week:

Seeing that was just what I needed to start the day with a laugh. Maybe the person meant he's a complete ass. I joke, of course, AB.
Although it hasn't been easy for me with Alton tweeting (still confused as to why he blocked my accounts back in May) and he even seems to be weary of it at times, I will remain here in some capacity. Well, not here as in Blogger but here as in lending my support and blathering.
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