The second installment had the nine surviving chefs heading off to San Diego and the home the Major League Baseball team, Padres, to do a little ball park cooking. Honestly, the first challenge should've been who can look at Alton Brown and not laugh their ass off at his clothing choice for the day. I say this with great affection, AB the gray plaid sport coat, yellow slacks, navy blue polo shirt and light blue pocket square just didn't come together for me.
All giggles aside, the first challenge, to reinvent ballpark food seemed to be something fairly easy. I mean, traditional ballpark food isn't the best grub in town anyway so to elevate it wouldn't take much. But either its been too long since I've been to game, or the offerings of the minor league team here are behind the times, or these chefs had no clue what ballpark food is because I didn't understand most of their "reinventions."
It was bad enough to hear the new judge utter the word "foodgasm" last week. However this week's word was deconstructed. It seemed most of the chefs' concept of reinvent a dish was to deconstruct everything. I was beginning to think I was watching HGTV or DIY instead of Food Network with the number of times that word as bandied about. Ugh!
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