I have officially moved all of the news and posts to: http://news.altonbrownfans.com so this is where you can find me from now on. Also, if you subscribe to the site's RSS please update to http://feeds.feedburner.com/altonbrownfans/DQXc My twitter for the fansite is @_altonbrownfans
There is much to talk about with the visit to Pittsburgh on the tour but I have even neglected to write on that over on the new site. I do have video and will try to share soon.
I will try to recap the episodes, however, I have doing my annual National Novel Writing Month challenge again this year so free time will be very limited. No promises!
Sometime in November the one-hour Thanksgiving Good Eats special will air. Still haven't a date on that. And the Saturday before Thanksgiving the Food Network will have a Turkey Day live show with AB as host. It will be from Noon until 2 p.m. EST. Viewers have the opportunity to submit questions ahead of time via Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/foodnetwork), Twitter (http://www.twiter.com/foodnetwork, use #FNThanksgiving) and can simultaneously submit questions during the broadcast with Skype. (Username: FoodNetworkThanksgiving).
For those of you who helped with the Heifer International fundraiser, THANKS SO MUCH! We were able to buy the cow for Alton and I gave him the card in Pittsburgh.
One last thing, I'm still wishing for an interview with Alton. Since he has changed is outlook on social media and the reasons he gave me in the past for not allowing an interview with me as no longer valid, my hope is he will see the value and benefit of this site and be ever so kind as to talk with me for an interview. After all, my site now ranks #1 in Google searches for him being an asshole and mean... so its not like no one is reading out there in cyberspace.

It's pretty funny that my site would get that ranking for these searches since I'm constantly bemoaning the fact AB seems to care more for the haters than the good folks like me. Maybe he thinks since I took the time to do this site I will always be in his corner, while the haters need to be shown the light. Who knows. It is beyond me. I still don't think he cares to read the site, which is very disheartening. I hoped he would at least change his outlook but judging from his retweeting of mean comments that goes much further than any act of kindness does. Maybe he's paying it backward?
Anyway, I'll leave you with the reminder of the new site: http://news.altonbrownfans.comand NIC on Sunday.
See ya,Lisa :)
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