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Saturday, John and I worked from 7am until 3pm in the yard weeding, trimming bushes and adding a new berm where there was a bare spot from a Japanese Maple we lost last year. We quit to shower and dress for a drive to my cousin's son's wedding reception. We picked up my sister on the way and headed to a lovely evening with family and friends.

Johnny and Nanea had a beautiful beach wedding a few weeks ago in Hawaii

Jamie and Josh had us over for Mother's Day. Josh prepared a refreshing Strawberry~Limeade as he and Jamie made lunch.
The MenuMarinated Balsamic ChickenCouscous with spices French Provence and pecansCaprese Salad on Crispy BreadDessert ~ Root Bear Floats
Some playtime outside on this perfect weather day

Chloe tries to engage everyone in conversation ~ Pop-Pop was delighted to chat with her.

lovin' on the kids

baby Chloe with her Pop-Pop and Mom-Mom

Jamie has a very sweet neighbor! She had the kids to her house to paint individual flower pots for their momma. She provided graduated sized clay pots to correspond with each child.Love them all, especially the teeny-tiny pot from Chloe.

The yard work is progressing. Here is the new Japanese Maple (picked up at Aldi's for cheep). We created a new berm and included Hosta and Sedum that we divided from established plants in the yard. The back berm is also being renovated. Did lots of weeding and added more Sedum. We have just begun to wheel barrel mulch that is piled in our driveway. Slow and steady we are getting there.
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